Stool DNA Extraction Kit

Suitable for extracting total DNA (including bacterial and human or animal genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and possibly viral DNA) from 150-200 mg of fresh or frozen human or animal stool.

Stool DNA Extraction Kit

  • Prepare total stool DNA within 40-50 min.
  • Simultaneous extraction of human or animal intestinal exfoliated cell’s DNA, bacterial DNA, viral DNA and parasite DNA.
  • No need of phenol chloroform and isopropanol.
  • Silica technologyremoves PCR inhibitors from the stoolquickly.

Price List


Product No Quantity Price
4101050 50 preps contact us
4101250 250 preps contact us


This kit has a strong lysis buffer to lyse the stool sample and release DNA. Then use the proteinase K to digest the supernatant. The inhibitors and degraded proteins in the stool were filtered out by column purification technology. The total DNA eluted directly with Buffer TE and is ready for use in various molecular biology experiments.


Applications: PCR, infectious disease research & detection.

Samples: Fresh or frozen human or animal stool.

Starting sample: 150-200 mg.

Instruments required: A high-speed centrifuge with rotor for 2 ml centrifuge tubes.

Experimental data

Figure 1: Electrophoresis plot of stool DNA extracted with Simgen Stool DNA Extraction Kit.

1, 2, 3, 4:Genome DNA extracted from fresh stool. M:Simgen DL15000 Ladder

Figure 2: Amplification plot of HBV specific Primers.

Curve 1: DNA extracted with Simgen Stool DNA Extraction Kit from the stool of HBV carriers was used as a template to detect HBV (5 μl DNA added in a 50 μl amplification system).

Curve 2: DNA extracted by boiling method from the same stool of HBV carriers was used as a template to detect HBV (5 μl DNA added in a 50 μl amplification system).



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