Soil DNA Extraction Kit

For extracting total DNA from 500 mg soil.

Soil DNA Extraction Kit

  • The special sample tube can efficiently and simultaneously release the total DNA of various microorganisms in the soil.
  • Specially designed extraction reagents are highly effective in removing PCR inhibitors such as humic acid.
  • Instruments required: A high-speed centrifuge with rotor for 2 ml centrifuge

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
4102050 50 preps contact us
4102250 250 preps contact us


Various microorganisms in the soil are fully broken under the joint action of biological enzymatic digestion and mechanical external force to release the contents of organisms. Proteinase K treatment further releases total DNA. The supernatant containing DNA was added to the spin column, centrifugation allowed various inhibitors to be filtered out, and the total DNA adsorbed on the spin column was finally eluted with Buffer TE and immediately used for various molecular biology experiments.


  • Applications: PCR, RFLP analysis, Southern Blotting.
  • Binding capacity: up to 20μg total DNA.
  • Elution volume: 100-200 μl.

Experimental data

Figure 1: DNA extracted from the same soil sample using the Simgen Soil DNA Extraction Kit and the T*****n Soil DNA Kit, respectively. 1, 2: T****n soil kit extraction. 3 and 4: Simgen soil DNA kit extraction.

Marker:Simgen DL15000 Ladder,1.0%TAE agarose gel.

Figure 2: electrophoresis plot of DNA extracted from 6 different soil samples using the Simgen Soil DNA extraction Kit.




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