Long Fragment DNA Selection Kit

For recovery of 200 bp-10 kb of DNA from PCR products.

Long Fragment DNA Selection Kit

  • Selectively recover DNA larger than 200 bp
  • DNA purification and within 10 min (three steps).
  • Recycling efficiency of up to 80% can be achieved.
  • The spin column does not require equilibration solution treatment.
  • Binding capacity: up to 20 μg of DNA.
  • The pH indicator contained in the solution provides a visual indication of the optimal binding conditions for DNA to the silica membrane in the solution.

Price List


Product No Quantity Price
2105050 50 preps contact us
2105250 250 preps contact us


The specially designed DNA binding solution of this kit can selectively adsorb DNA larger than 200 bp, and effectively remove impurities in PCR products including enzyme proteins, primers, primer-dimer small nucleic acid single nucleotides, fluorescent dyes or radioisotope-labeled single nucleotides, and the obtained DNA can be directly used for sequencing, ligation, transformation, enzyme digestion, sequencing, Molecular biology experiments such as hybridization.

Experimental data

Figure 1: electrophoresis plot of Simgen DNA marker (DL2000 Ladder) recovered with Simgen Long Fragment DNA Selection Kit.

70%, 100%: uncleaned DNA marker (70%, 100%). 1,2: DNA marker cleaned with Simgen DNA Long Fragment DNA Selection Kit



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