MinElute DNA Gel Extraction Kit

For recovery of high concentrations of DNA from 70 bp-10 kb from normal/low melting point agarose gels prepared with TAE or TBE buffers

MinElute DNA Gel Extraction Kit

  • Specially designed spin columns for efficient elution of DNA with a 10 μl microelution volume.
  • DNA fragment recovery efficiencies of up to 85% from 70 bp to 10 kb can be achieved.
  • Recovery of DNA from the gel can be completed in 20~30 min.
  • The spin column does not require equilibration solution treatment and adsorbs up to 10 μg of DNA.
  • Applications: DNA sequencing, microarray analysis, DNA ligation and transformation, restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, in vitro transcription, etc.

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
2002050 50 preps contact us
2002250 250 preps contact us


The kit uses a specially designed micro spin column with a unique buffer system that is suitable for recovering and concentrating DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels while removing impurities such as agarose molecules, inorganic salt ions, and oligonucleotide primers.



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