Saliva DNA Preservation Solution

The specially developed saliva DNA preservation solution can quickly dissolve the oral epithelial cells in the saliva and stabilize the released DNA.

Saliva DNA Preservation Solution

  • 1 ml sample preservation solution can keep the DNA in 1-2 ml saliva samples stable, and the DNA will not be degraded after being stored at room temperature for more than 12 months, and it will be stored at -20℃ for nearly indefinite time.
  • Compatible with almost all saliva DNA purification reagents on the market.

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
3522050 50 ml contact us
3522100 100 ml contact us


The saliva mixed with the lysate can be stored at room temperature for 12 months, and the DNA still remains in a state of no obvious degradation. If the mixture is stored at 2-8℃, high-quality genomic DNA can be extracted within 2 years. After adsorption of DNA from the saliva lysate onto the purification column, the two washes efficiently remove impurities such as PCR inhibitors, and the DNA is finally eluted with Buffer TE and can be used immediately for PCR or related molecular biology experiments.


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