DNA Gel Extraction Kit(10-50kb)

For recovery of 10-50 kb of DNA from normal/low melting point agarose gels prepared with TAE or TBE buffers.

DNA Gel Extraction Kit(10-50kb)

  • Recovery of DNA from gels can be completed in 30-50 min.
  • Recycling efficiency of up to 75% can be achieved.
  • Silicone resin binds DNA to prevent large DNA fragments from being cut off.
  • Maintain the integrity of large DNA fragments.
  • DNA can be eluted in a microelution volume of 20-30 μl.
  • Applications: DNA sequencing, microarray analysis, DNA ligation and transformation, restriction digestion, labeled microinjection, PCR, in vitro transcription.

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
2003050 50 preps contact us
2003250 250 preps contact us


The kit uses silica gel particles that bind large DNA particles with high efficiency and specificity and a unique dissolve buffer system to adsorb large DNA fragments, and the operation steps are gentle, effectively reducing the probability of large DNA fragments being sheared. After washing with the wash buffer, the DNA adsorbed on the silica gel particles can be directly eluted by the TE solution, and immediately applied to molecular biology experiments such as DNA sequencing, gene chip analysis, DNA ligation and transformation, restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, and in vitro transcription.

Examples of experiments

Right: electrophoresis plot of DNA recovered with Simgen DNA Gel Extraction Kit (10-50 kb).

1.0%TAE agarose gel

1: Initial DNA fragment mixture. 2: 23 kb DNA fragment recovered. 3: Recovered 9.5 kb DNA fragment. 4: 6.5 kb DNA fragment recovered. 5: 4.3 kb DNA fragment recovered



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