DNA Purification Kit

F1or recovery of 100 bp-10 kb of DNA from DNA solutions containing impurities.

DNA Purification Kit

  • DNA purification and recovery within 10 min (three steps).
  • Recycling efficiency of up to 90% can be achieved.
  • The spin column does not require equilibration solution treatment.
  • Binding capacity: up to 25 μg of DNA.
  • The pH indicator contained in the solution provides a visual indication of the optimal binding conditions for DNA to the silica membrane in the solution.

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
2101050 50 preps contact us
2101250 250 preps contact us


The silica membrane binds DNA at high salt conditions and can be separated from DNA at low salt conditions. Impurities such as primers, single nucleotides, enzymes, mineral oils, and salt ions in the DNA solution are separated and removed because they do not have similar properties to DNA. The DNA bound to the spin column is washed with a wash solution and the high-purity DNA can be recovered.

Experimental parameters

Applications: DNA sequencing, microarray analysis, DNA ligation and transformation, restriction digestion, labeled microinjection, PCR, in vitro transcription.

Starting samples: enzyme digestion products, PCR products, DNA solutions containing impurities (e.g., salts and phenol/chloroform residues, glycogen or polysaccharide residues, protein residues, etc.).

Elution volume: 30–50 μl microelution volume can be used to elute DNA.

Instruments required: A high-speedcentrifuge that can fit 2 ml tubes.

Experimental data

Figure 1: electrophoresis plot of Simgen 100 bp DNA Marker recovered with Simgen DNA Purification Kit.

1, 5: uncleaned DNA marker (80%, 100%). 2, 3, 4: DNA marker cleaned with Simgen DNA Purification Kit

It can be seen that the recovery efficiency of each fragment can reach more than 85%.




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