RNA Purification Kit

For purification of RNA from 100-200 µl RNA solution.

RNA Purification Kit

  • Purification of total RNA in 15-20 min.
  • Column purification technology quickly removes impurities from RNA solutions.
  • No need ofphenol chloroform and isopropanol.

Price List

Product No Quantity Price
5401050 50 preps contact us


This kit is suitable for the recovery of concentrated RNA from 100-200 μl of enzymatic reactions or RNA solutions containing impurities such as salts and phenol/chloroform, glycogen or polysaccharide residues, protein residues, etc. The cartridge technique binds only 200 nt of RNA to the cartridge, and salts, polysaccharides, proteins, and other substances are filtered out. RNA can eventually be eluted into a 50 μl microvolume and can be immediately used for various molecular biology experiments such as Northern blotting, RT-PCR, microarray analysis, etc.

Experimental data

Figure 1: electrophoresis plot of RNA extracted with Trizol.

1, 2: RNA extracted with Trizol. 3, 4: RNA extracted with Trizol and cleaned with Simgen RNA Purification Kit.




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